Saturday, 13 March 2010

Week 9 (8-14 March): Teacher Resources Online

Dear All,
At the fag end of the course I am feeled with curious feelings. They are curiously contradictory in their nature. On one hand I fee, 'thank GOd, it will end and I will be free to have weekends with my family and friends'... and on the other, 'Oh! God! Great learning experience is near its end... now I will not have new learning experiences... after long time I got opportunity to learn something which was very useful in practical teaching'.
I am over powered by second feeling. If I look back at my career as teacher, in last decade, I have read ad listened lots of things about teaching, methodology, technology etc etc.... all was blah...blah.... None gave me an expereince to 'do' something which can be taken directly in the classroom and put into practice. This course gave me not one but several such tools. And what is more important is, it has widened mental horizons... i have cultivated habit of thinking beyong horizons.. thinking out of the box. And this is unforgettable learning experience.

Well, during this week we were supposed to do following task:
1. On-line Tools for Enhancing Learning.
2. Create online course site or exercise.
3. Peer review of project

My partner Andreja from Croatia did wonderful scrutiny of my project. It really helped in making my project better. I also peer-reviewed her project which was prepared so well that it did not left much for my comments.

This week, I was first to post on I am overwhelmed by the responce of other participants to my posting. I found everbody refeering back to my post and adding their own. It was wonderful experience to read all your comments - agreeign and disagreeing - on my views.

I have prepared my exercise with the tools like wikieducator and moodle. Thanks to Sandra for giving positive comment on my exercise. I have viewed a few exercise also. I like Christos and Raphael's exercises. It was great to see how several exercise to enhance language skills is possible through technology.

By and large, it was yet another wonderful week full of learning new things.

Your comments are invited.

Dilip (India)


  1. Hi Dilip,

    I once participated in an online training program which aimed at introducing ICT in Higher Education in my country.I'm not proud to say that I gave up, but for someone very practical like me it didn't work.For me it was too much theory.This e-teacher program was exactly what I needed with practical and immediatly applicable solutions to my classroom problems as you said.I'm not only taking with me the practical tools but also all your individual experiences.I'm richer today than I was at the beginning.

    Thank you


  2. Dear Dilip,
    I like your saying "it has widened mental horizons... i have cultivated habit of thinking beyong horizons.. thinking out of the box. And this is unforgettable learning experience.".

  3. Dear Dilip.
    Thank you for helping me to move forward.
    This week has not been very easy. As I commnented on my blog I travelled for training. I had classes until midday today. I feel very tired and sick this evening and I have not done my weekly assignments. You have probably noticed that my participation in the discussions was weak.
    However, I feel very satisfied with the results of the course, as you said, I also think this course is an "unforgettable experience" at this time of my life.
    I will miss all of you.

  4. Dear Dilip ,
    Yes it is , ot to say , it has been , a wonderful learning experience for us all . For 9 weeks , we have been learners , implementing all what we learn in our classes , teachig it and sharing it with our students and our colleagues . Isn't it wonderful ? I'll certainly miss you all though I'm sure we'll keep on touch !
    By the way , the strike was about better salary ad good workig coditions .

  5. Dear Dilip,

    our horizons had to be stretched so quickly and intensely that sometimes it was painful, yet every task completed was a little victory.

    I was amazed to see how I as a teacher, but a learner on this course, depended on the feedback from others that you also mention. We should never forget its importance when working with students. Thank you for such a favourable reference to my review of your wonderful project.

    I joined the discussion late this week, but found your ideas at the top of Nicenet page relevant for the course of the entire discussion.

    Thank you again.

    Besta regards,

  6. Dear Dilip!

    I have always read your comments and post with a great eager as they seem to be really amazing.

    It's true we are going to the end of this course but to me it will remain an unforgettable, unique experience. Each week has been a challenge for us, completing our tasks and sharing our thoughts and experience.

    I totally agree with you that one can listen and talk a lot how to improve teaching but thanks to Sandra and Deborah valuable training this course will be really useful in practical teaching.

