Friday, 29 January 2010

Week 3 (25-31 January): Skill-building Websites for Oral/Aural Skills and Saving Bookmarks with Delicious

Dear Sandra, Deborah and Participants,
At the fag end of the third week, I feel submerged in this course. When I joined the course, I thought I will give a day or so and complete my task. But now it has become habit to visit everyday and read what all participants are discussing. The credit of this involvement in the course goes to Sandra and Deborah. Their comments, emails and feedback are very encouraging. Thier freindly approach has helped me in my involvement in this e-Course.
This is the major change I felt in last week.

Well, so far the task based activities are concerned, I have completed following tasks:
1. delicious bookmarking
2. Reading CALL material/websites for LSP (Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation) skills.
3. Reviewing skill building website for oral/aural skills.

I already had delicious page but never used it. I know that it is for bookmarking but as I never gave serious consideration to it, I never realised its true importance. As it was mandatory in this course, I bookmarked several sites. Now I understnad that is really delicious. The best advantage I will make is in sharing useful links with my students. Now I will have to ask my students to go and visit my delicious page to learn about useful weblinks. Earlier, I have to give them links through email or sms.

For the second task, I read several CALL4LSP related material and links shared by facilitator and participants. It helped me in understanding what sort of research in made and ongoing in this field. It is always a very good learning experience from what others are doing. It saves our time and energy form repetiting similar experiments.

For the thirst task on skill building website, I wrote about Thought I got several positive responses from other participants for this website, One of the particiants (Luba) draw my attention to the point that we have to discuss LSP skill developing website and not literary skill developing website. Thus, I posted another item with the same objective. The entire discussion and activity was fruitful.

By and large, this week was fruitful on the groud that I am getting engrossed in this course. Now it seems I am drawing myself near to some of the participants and facilitators.

Your comments are invited.

Dilip (India)


  1. Dilip, I agree with you because I feel exactly the same, this online course has caught all our attention, every week the topics are more attractive. University of Oregon through Sandra and Deborah are who make us feel more found about this event. They are our angels.

    Thanks for sharing your work with me.

    A hug,


  2. Hi Dilip,

    I would like to say that your thoughts can be sahred by all of us. We are indeed on the way, and every week we experience new things, just like any learning process has to be.

    Thanks for your contant participation and valuable comments on Nicenet. You are a very active voice in our course.

    In Ahmad's blog you asked about the text he commented, it is Dennie Hoopingarner's article. It is one of the readings of the week. You can find the link in the course web page.


    Marcia - Brazil

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Dilip,

    Despite our very busy schedule, we all try to participate in the discussions as much as possible and do the required tasks. But I am sure that we are all enjoying this course because every week there are new things to learn, new tasks and new challenges. But that's not the only reason. I think that the discussions of our colleagues, their comments and their suggestions and ideas also contribute to our interest and enjoyment. We have learned a lot not only from Deborah, Sandra and Sueanne, but from each other as well.

    By the way, I visited your website, but couldn't open any of the links. Do you think it is a temporary problem, or maybe it's not finished yet.

    All the best,
